
 What I am experiencing today while trying to come up with a subject to write about. I start finish check it and draft it is not good enough is what I tell myself. I start again and after writing a few lines I erase everything. It's not that I don't have a subject to write about it's also not that I don't want to write. Actually, there hasn't been a day that I can remember trying so hard to get something written. I want to discipline myself to write every single day and the only way I will do it is by writing. So why can't I get something written that I feel comfortable with? the answer is sleep. I slept very little last night and that is what is causing my mind to not think clearly. If I could get enough of it, I would be unstoppable. We don't realize how important sleep is to our productivity and well-being. I have spent hours on and off just to get these few words written but I said that I would and I did.


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